Thursday, 26 April 2018

Mobile Marketing Strategy

The New ABC of Mobile Marketing Strategy.

There are dozens of smartphone manufacturers around the world vying for their share in the marketplace from the giants in the business. Apple, Samsung, and Huawei are just 3 of those companies who have more than 50% market share. But smartphones are not just for fun as marketers now see it as the new frontier to conquer to make their customers happy.
Smartphones are a way of life for all of us now but digital marketers see it as an opportunity to make huge inroads into the minds of people. These people who use smartphones to shop online and indulge in any kind of e-commerce activity are their target. Companies hire these expert marketers to make sure they are on the right track in getting customers who are interested in products they manufacture. But consumers nowadays are very smart and know what they need. Not all of them can be fooled into a trap so that they are lured to buy a product they don’t actually need.

Top eCommerce Lies

Top eCommerce Lies no One will Tell you

eCommerce is Passive Income
eCommerce business is not for the faint-hearted.
If you’re selling a digital product you might get away with less work, but not with physical products.
If you’re lazy it will be difficult for you to survive in this nerve-wracking competition.
It is a multi-dimensional business. From eCommerce website design to stock inventory. From getting traffic to your website to engaging your customers. You will have to burn the midnight oil to stand out from the crowd.

This article is taken from this site:


JACK MA’S NAME IS SYNONYMOUS WITH IMMENSE HARD WORK AND SELF-BELIEF.Jack Ma is one of the pioneers of the tech world post the dot-com bubble when everyone thought that the world of the Internet can’t be relied upon. But he proved everyone wrong, even his best friends and relatives that it nothing is impossible if you have the will and determination for it.
There are many ways in which we can get inspired by the immense success of Alibaba and Jack Ma. Let me discuss top 5 ways in which you can get the motivation to excel in your professional life.

Trolls is to Completely Ignore

How To Best Way to Deal with the Trolls 

World Wide Web has become the frontier to conquer for all the companies trying tosell their products online. There are many ways to make sure that you have a strong online presence for best results. But not every company or business owner is aware of the features required to build such a website. But this is not the full story. Once you will get a good website and get it ranked from a best seo company, there are other aspects that come into play and can ruin your effort. One of them is trolling that I will now discuss in this blog. 

This article is taken from this site:,1742302.html

Small Business and a Franchise

Solving the Dilemma of Aspiring Businessmen

Small businesses are very much focused on start making money right from the word go. Banding and making a connection with their target market are not their primary concern as they must focus on these aspects. Just a killer idea will not make you successful in your endeavor. Just think of it this way; there are countless companies on the Internet trying to woo their target audience to buy their “unique” product. But only a handful of them succeed. So the million dollar question is, their product is really unique and why their potential customers are not interested in buying it.

Let me explore this topic with emphasis on how UPS Store is assisting businesses across US, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

This article is taken from this site: